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The Journey of Ceramics - 2023 Jingdezhen International Ceramic Art Biennale (Juried Exhibition) | List of Selected Works

After 12 days of three rounds of online fair and impartial evaluation conducted by 17 domestic and international expert jury, "The Journey of Ceramics - 2023 Jingdezhen International Ceramic Art Biennale" Review Committee has selected 256 works to be included in the exhibition from a total of 1802 entries from around the world. These selected works span across five categories: Vessels, Sculpture, Painting, Installation, and Video. The list of selected works is as follows:

序號 藝術(shù)家姓名 地區(qū)(國家/地區(qū)) 作品名稱
1 張悅 /Zhang Yue 中國/China 《零·合》系列/Zero in one series
2 Lut Laleman 比利時(shí)/Belgium Hexagonal
3 Hanna Miadzvedzeva 白俄羅斯/Belarus Recovery
4 吳建毅/Wu Jianyi 中國/China 器之欲-路行/
The desire of tools-the path of travel
5 杜沁芬/Du Qinfen 中國/China 生命的詩篇/The Poem of Life
6 劉子晨/Liu Zichen 中國/China 無一物/Nothing
7 Eloisa Gobbo 意大利/Italy Spin vase
8 饒舜/Rao Shun 中國/China 哲之折NO.6-相融/
Zhe break NO.6- Integration
9 賴慶騰/Lai Qingteng 中國/China 《器說》系列二/The Theory of Qi II
10 白月/Bai Yue 中國/China 《封存記憶》系列二/
Sealed Memories Series II
11 MariaTen Kortenaar 荷蘭/Dutch 無題


KIMIE INO 巴西-日本/Brazil-Japan

Crafted Printing Torus

13 HIROYUKI YAMADA 日本/Japan CAVE340 Sound Vessel
14 洪張良/Hong Zhangliang 中國/China 絞胎方器 /Quandary square
15 王水彬/Wang Shuibin 中國/China 寶相云濤爐/
Treasure phase cloud Tao furnace
16 程倩/Chen Qian 中國/China 團(tuán)然/Tuanran
17 張飛/Zhang Fei 中國/China 形而上器系列1/
Metaphysical vessels Series 1
18 康壽松/Kang Shousong 中國/China 空-器 Ⅱ/Ware-Empty Ⅱ
19 李春雨/Li Chunyu 中國/China 《不能承受的生命之輕》系列二/
The Unbearable Lightness of Life Series II
20 鐘江川/Zhong Jiangchuan 中國/China 《牖》系列2023/Skylight Window 2023
21 王春瑤/Wang Chunyao 中國/China 擠壓的空間/Squeezed Space
22 陳龍/Chen Long 中國/China 煙的自由/Ferrdom of Smoke
23 李玉蘭/Li Yulan 中國/China 闕-4·5/Faulty-4.5
24 諶威/Chen Wei 中國/China Balloon jar/氣球罐
25 陳亮亮/Chen Liangliang 中國/China 熔巖系列器皿/Lava Series Ware
26 趙文婧/Zhao Wenjing 中國/China 螢火/The light
27 熊開波/Xiong Kaibo 中國/China 上古天真/Innocent in ancient times
28 拾雙雙/
Shi Shuangshuang


29 Hongmi Kim Hoog 美國/USA uNtItLeD_X
31 張駿澤/Zhang Junze 中國/China 與莫蘭迪靜物的對話/
Dialogue with Morandi's Still Life
32 候紅美/Hou Hongmei 中國/China 楓華系列|||/Fenghua Series |||
33 董浩/Dong Hao 中國/China 春耕/Spring plowing
34 李瑞生/Li Ruisheng 中國/China 白色花園/White garden
35 李超/Li Chao 中國/China 浮生系列/Transient life
36 Peter Beard 英國/Britain Black and White Ground Vessel
37 陳進(jìn)群/Chen Jinqun 中國/China 洞見系列/ Insights Series


Seok hyun Jang 韓國/ Korea

pu-re lacquered um


Follen See 馬來西亞/Malaysia

Volcanic Symptoms


YoonJee Kwak 韓國/Korea

Patterned Memories

41 柳菁怡/Liu Jingyi 中國/China 風(fēng)的形狀/Shapes of the Wind
42 胡淑慧/Hu Shuhui 中國/China 窮變系列三/Extreme Change Serie III
43 李慧文/Li Huiwen 中國/China 多巴胺快樂杯 /Dopamine Happy Cups
44 吳詠梅/Wu Yongmei 中國/China 裳/Skirt
45 熊麗華/Xiong Lihua 中國/China 《回旋》系列/The Rewind Series
46 吳躍棟/Wu Yuedong 中國/China 林泉系列-云壺/"Forest and Spring Series - Cloud Teapot"
47 王榮輝/Wang Ronghui 中國/China 破局/Breakthrough
48 張凱/Zhang Kai 中國/China 回視/look back
49 陳曉彬/Chen Xiaobin 中國/China 燼上灰-巢/Ashes on ashes-nest
50 陳紅/Chen Hong 中國/China 生生不息/To be Born and Born
51 劉光甫/Liu Guangfu 中國/China 一念/moment
52 劉新彬/Liu Xinbin 中國/China 古器新埴-器的形式一/
New Creation of Ancient Artifacts - Forms of Artifacts I
53 宋景徽/Song Jinghui 中國/China Collection of Yin Yang Series/
54 張依婷/Zhang Yiting 中國/China 垠/Limit
55 曾莉/Zeng Li 中國/China 熔之舞/FUSE & DANCE
56 李立宏/Li Lihong 中國/China 景德鎮(zhèn)—China/Jingdezhen- China
57 王忠振/Wang Zhongzhen 中國/China 雪霽--碧峭/
Snow Clears—Azure Steepness
58 王馨怡/Wang Xinyi 中國/China 磁言/The Language of Cizhou Kiln
59 謝鵬/Xie Peng 中國/China 念·轉(zhuǎn)/Nian · Zhuan
60 Kimsang Hee 韓國/Korea A small universe
61 祁吉/Qi Ji 中國/China 社戲/Village Social drama
62 Rose Schreiber 美國/USA Reverse Cleaving
63 Velimir Vukicevic 塞爾維亞/Serbia Floating
64 劉兵/Liu Bing 中國/China 凸系列·裂變/Conve
65 陳以勤/Chen Yiqin 中國/China 亼系列No5—驚蟄/
Ren series No5- Jingzhe
66 黃山/Huang Shan 中國/China 人類文明閃耀時(shí)/
When human civilization shines
67 劉鵬/Liu Peng 中國/China 《結(jié)廬》系列之五/Build a hut 5
68 陳正軍/Chen Zhengjun 中國/China 不會動/Not moving
69 歐陽寧遠(yuǎn)/Ouyang Ningyuan 中國/China 春山欲雨/The call of the rain
70 肖思航/Xiao Sihang 中國/China 歷史的沉積/Historical deposit
71 徐子文/Xu Ziwen 中國/China 盆景·劇場/Bonsai · Theater
72 Jason Walker 美國/USA You May Think You Are Alone…
73 Julia Biktimirova 俄羅斯/Russia "Reality Version - Unreal"
74 YooEun-Hye 韓國/Korea Chan’s Plateau
75 李占陽/Li ZhanYang 中國/China 吃米/Eat rice
76 劉智賢/Liu Zhixian 中國/China 磐/Rock
77 徐識媛/Xu Shiyuan 中國/China Hybrid #6
78 張時(shí)飛/Zhang Shifei 中國/China 相簿/Photo album
79 Matt Watterson 美國/USA “Lost In the Summer”
81 Simcha Even-Chen 以色列/Israel Entrapped
82 董琳/Dong Lin 中國/China 蒼鷹攫兔/The eagle catches the hare
83 傅舒/Fu Shu 中國/China 眾生相—車站/All of Us - The Station
84 霍健/Huo Jian 中國/China 瓷都·月&夜/
The Capital of Porcelain: Moon&Night
85 劉師成/Liu Shicheng 中國/China Cohomology of U Groups U/群的上同調(diào)
86 張家祺/Zhang Jiaqi 中國/China 這里無一物恒久/Nothing here lasts forever
87 趙元/Zhao Yuan 中國/China 礦系列—I/Mine Series - I
88 Bruce Taylor 加拿大/Canada Orbit
89 Dainis Lesins 拉脫維亞/Latvia Aqua
90 Dan Molyneux 美國/USA No Chaser
91 Dora Varkonyi 德國/Germany “Timeless”
92 Elly Glossop 英國/UK Rift I
93 FerdaTazeoglu Filiz 土耳其/Turkey Another Universe I
94 Funda Baysal 土耳其/Turkey Ceramics in D minor
95 Mette Maya Gregersen 丹麥/Denmark Washed Ashore
96 Ole Morten Rokvam 挪威/Norway Industrial Landscape # 103.22
97 SilviaPiani 意大利/Italy Rischio estinzione /Risk of extinction
98 陳明生/Chen Mingsheng 中國/China 熾/Blazing
99 洪美連/Hong Meilian 中國/China 《石非石·融》NO.3 /Shi Fei Shi. Rong NO.3
100 李東/Li Dong 中國/China 坐有座相/A Look at a Seat
101 林冰/Lin Bing 中國/China 皮囊-2/Skins- 2
102 婁愷/Lou Kai 中國/China 殤之一/Eloge I
103 孟繁樸/Meng Fanpu 中國/China 大家庭系列/The Big Family Series
104 孫奕周/Sun Yizhou 中國/China 生生不息/Endless life
105 王冬梅/Wang Dongmei 中國/China “我們”/“We”
106 謝璇/Xie Xuan 中國/China 黑白造物/Monochrome
107 鄭芳/Zheng Fang 中國/China 方正之間/Between square and square
108 Hanna Marshava 白俄羅斯/Belarus Polyp bud
109 Jeong-hyeon Kim 韓國/Korea Pot of salvation
110 Ji-min Lee 韓國/Korea Thinking Stool
111 Komatsu Yuichiro 日本·美國永居/Japan·
US Permanent Resident
Primordial Series
112 Saenghwa Kim 韓國/Korea Brilliant
113 Susan Beiner 美國/USA Land Over Time
114 白娟娟/Bai Juanjuan 中國/China 物語系列1/Nature's story series I
115 鈔子偉/Chao Ziwei 中國/China 問道/Ask the DAO
116 韓蘊(yùn)澤/Han Yunze 中國/China 關(guān)于原始性的夢/About Primitive Dreams
117 何昕為/He Xinwei 中國/China 巷/Lane
118 康富杰/Kang Fujie 中國/China 逆生長/Reverse growth
119 李婳/Li Hua 中國/China 山骨系列/Mountain Bones Series
120 李志宏/Li Zhihong 中國/China 小小/Xiaoxiao
121 劉浪清/Liu Langqing 中國/China 山谷曉嵐/Valley xiaolan
122 劉思琴/Liu Siqin 中國/China 容器系列/The Container series
123 盧銀豐/Lu Yinfeng 中國/China 多重宇宙/Multiverse
124 陸小泥/Lu Xiaoni 中國/China 定制版花/Custom flower
125 孟胡蝶/Meng Hudie 中國/China 角落/ Corner
126 孟祥吉/Meng Xiangji 中國/China 游/Swim
127 彭洪麗/Peng Hongli 中國/China 生命姿態(tài)/Life attitude
128 孫玥/Sun Yue 中國/China 記憶梯/Memory Ladder
129 譚浩文/Tan Haowen 中國/China 構(gòu).序/Preface to Structure
130 王登/Wang Deng 中國/China 筑瓷的故事/The story of building porcelain
131 王卓/Wang Zhuo 中國/China 夏夜/Summer Nights
132 吳小艷/Wu Xiaoyan 中國/China 飛鳥系列/Birds
133 吳笑非/Wu Xiaofei 中國/China 融城/Melted city
134 肖威/Xiao Wei 中國/China “塑造與摧毀在不斷循環(huán)”系列2/
“The Constant Cycle of Shaping and Destruction “Series II
135 熊祖超/Xiong Zuchao 中國/China 石空·東方之門/The space of Taihu Stone, the Gate of the East
136 許玲/Xu Ling 中國/China 花非花-舞/Flower not flower - Dance
137 岳立志/Yue Lizhi 中國/China 溯源Ⅱ/Trace II
138 張嗣蘋/Zhang Siping 中國/China 湖田歸白鷺/The lake belongs to the egret
139 趙淋/Zhao Lin 中國/China 山海共生II/Mountain Sea Symbiosis II
140 朱洪濤/Zhu Hongtao 中國/China 西湖十景之?dāng)鄻驓堁?The broken bridge of the ten scenic spots of West Lake
141 Adile FeyzaCAKIR OZGUNDOGDU 土耳其/Turkey Mahal
142 Austen Brantley 美國/USA Mami Wata sculpture bust
143 Caz Hildebrand 英國/Britan Correlation No. 3
144 Delia Victoria De la Fuente 西班牙/Spain PERSEVERANCIA
145 Shamai Gibsh 以色列/Israel Trapped 2023
146 TinneDebruijne 比利時(shí)/Belgium 2023/1 - CONNECTED
147 亓松林/Qi Songlin 中國/China 新文物計(jì)劃.龍游四海/New Heritage Project. The Dragon Travels the Seas
148 余平/Yu Ping 中國/China 帝王黃/Emperor Yellow
149 葉俊/Ye Jun 中國/China 城市交響樂/Urban symphony
150 吳可/Wu Ke 中國/China 海洋之光/Light of the sea
151 吳昊/Wu Hao 中國/China 路上觀察-方塊圓孔/
Road observation - Square round hole
152 吳極/Wu Ji 中國/China 環(huán)形/Ring
153 姜少清/
Jiang Shaoqing
中國/China ‘第二個(gè)家’系列/
'TheSecond House' series
154 孔祥希/Kong Xiangxi 中國/China 蜂巢/The Beehive
155 崔城碩/Cui Chenshuo 中國/China 余音/Lingering Sound
156 徐志偉/Xu Zhiwei 中國/China 陽關(guān)三疊/Yang Guan three overlapping
157 李新青/Li Xinqing 中國/China 山止川行/Keep forging ahead
158 李洲洲/Li Zhouzhou 中國/China 自然衍生/A NATURAL DERIVATIVE
159 王星旺/Wang Xingwang 中國/China 這片草原/This grassland
160 磨煥健/Mo Huanjian 中國/China 傲骨系列二/The bones II
161 蔡興章/Cai Xingzhang 中國/China 空集——立體折疊/Empty set - collective fold
162 陳洋/Chen Yang 中國/China 靜默狂舞/Silence and rhapsody
163 陳辛政/Chen Xinzheng 中國/China Repeated form/重復(fù)的形式
164 韓澤超/Han Zechao 中國/China 赤壁II/Red Cliff II
165 郭其林/Guo Qilin 梁成鎮(zhèn)/Liang Chengzhen 中國/China 霜翎/Frost Ling
166 石峰/Shi Feng 中國/China 有形·無形/Visible and Invisible
167 Kwanho Woo 韓國/Korea Apophenia
168 王寶良/Wang Baoliang 中國/China 破陣/Breaking Formation
169 何芹/He Qin 中國/China 尚文系列--蘭亭序/"Shang Wen Series--The Lanting Sequence"
170 劉丹華/Liu Danhua 中國/China 灰燼系列——白馬嘯西風(fēng)/
Ashes Series - White horse Calls Zephyr
171 張寧寧/Zhang Ningning 中國/China 和而不同/Harmony without distinction
172 Russell Orlando 美國/USA What Is What Was
173 李昭欣/Li Zhaoxin 中國/China 隙/The Gap
174 余佳禎/Yu Jiazhen 中國/China 圓·絜/Circle · Exquisite
175 張威/Zhang Wei 中國/China 迷宮Labyrinth
176 鄭冬梅/Zheng Dongmei 中國/China 絲路瓷源/Sea of flowers
177 郅敏/Zhi Min 中國/China 溫度/Temperature
178 喬蕓蕓/Qiao Yunyun 中國/China 《山水間》系列/
Mountains and Rivers》 series
179 時(shí)子媛/Shi Ziyuan 中國/China 回響室/ Echo Chamber
180 汪國虎/Wang Guohu 中國/China 道/Dao
181 姚斐然/Yao Feiran 中國/China 風(fēng)吹哪頁讀哪頁/Read what the wind blows
182 張剡鋒/Zhang Yanfeng 中國/China 墻面線條/lines
183 AURORA VETTORI 意大利/Italy “ Testa tra le nuvole”/HEAD IN THE CLOUDS
184 Yong Jian Ken Lu 新加坡/Singapore 方塊系列/Tube series
185 鈔子藝/Chao Ziyi 中國/China 絲路·今夕/Silk Road · This Evening
186 郭東來/Guo Donglai 中國/China 黃金的意義/The meaning of gold
187 胡珺/Hu Jun 中國/China 凝固的瞬間/Freezing moment
188 黃冬梅/Huang Dongmei 中國/China 切線 凌空Ⅱ/Tangential Volley II
189 李榮發(fā)/Li Rongfa 中國/China 桎梏下的各色靈魂/
Various Souls in Bondage
190 李詩倩/Li Shiqian 中國/China 漂浮的種子/Floating seed
191 錢彬/Qian Bin 中國/China 黏土的時(shí)間之墟/
The Clay's Market of Time
192 邱威爾/Qu Weier 中國/China 我們應(yīng)該保持微笑吧?/
Shouldn't we Keep Smiling?
193 譚丹武/Tan Danwu 中國/China 塑寫·日常/
Plastic Writing · Daily Life
194 徐洪波/Xu Hongbo 中國/China 母?安/Mother?Peace
195 楊術(shù)/Ynag Shu 中國/China 月光鎧甲/Moonlight Armor
196 趙汝毅/Zhao Ruyi 中國/China 回望-如煙若夢Ⅱ/
Looking back - Smoke like a dream II
197 朱希睿/Zhu Xirui 中國/China 遙遠(yuǎn)的記憶/Distant memory
198 劉海港/Liu Haigang 中國/China 尋常不尋常/Usual and Unusual
199 屠娟/Tu Juan 中國/China 爆炸中的融合/Fusion in explosion
200 彭贊賓/Peng Zanbing 中國/China 物質(zhì)的關(guān)系/Material relation
201 張琨/Zhang Kun 中國/China 自畫像系列/Self-portrait series
202 鄧藝/Deng Yi 中國/China 委地成塵·系列一/Leave not a rack behind,we are but dust·Series 1
203 郭君濤/Guo Juntao 中國/China 當(dāng)馬遠(yuǎn)遇到馬賽克/
When Ma Yuan encounters a mosaic
204 盧偉/Lu Wei 中國/China 起飛的老藤/Old Vine Taking Off/
205 ?洪堂安/Hong Tangan 中國/China 千里城山?翠林/Thousand-mile city mountain · Green forest
206 黃細(xì)樂/Huang Xile 中國/China 夢境系列/The Dreamland series
207 戴清泉/Dai Qingquan 中國/China 空間的秩序/Spatial order
208 龔余輝/Gong Yuhui 中國/China 東方紅-5/Dongfang Red Tractor-5
209 李玲譽(yù)/Li Lingyu 中國/China 《器·敘事》系列二/
Apparatus · Narrativ series II
210 彭加汛/Peng Jiaxun 中國/China 無相/FORMLESS
211 謝石明/Xie Shiming 中國/China 無相之相系列/The Facies of None series
212 楊軍/Yang Jun 中國/China 此時(shí),此刻/This moment
213 戴進(jìn)南/Dai Jinnan 中國/China 霓裳未央/Her clothes are young
214 丁傳國/Ding Chuanguo 中國/China 五彩家園/Colorful Home
215 郭宇陽/Guo Yuyang 中國/China 火集/Fire sketch
216 劉欣/Liu Xin 中國/China 形與色的重構(gòu)/
Reconstruction of form and color
217 王清麗/Wang Qingli 中國/China 征途·2023/Journey
218 楊林/Yang Ling 中國/China 秦系列/Qin Series
219 余帥/Yu Shuai 中國/China 兩個(gè)世界/Two Worlds
220 周文靜/Zhou Wenjing 中國/China 觀復(fù)/Meditation and rehabilitation
221 朱明生/Zhu Mingsheng 中國/China 觀之十一/View 11
222 安琪/An Qi 中國/China 作瓷/Making Porcelain
223 胡海英/Hu Haiying 中國/China 山水系列-126/Landscape -126
224 黃有彬/Huang Youbin 中國/China 冰NO.41/Ice NO.41
225 金科、陳艷麗/
Jin Ke;Chen Yanli
中國/China 青山/Green mountain
226 劉和森/Liu Hesen 中國/China 當(dāng)代水墨系列日常史詩1/
Contemporary ink series Everyday Epic 1
227 劉志英/Liu Zhiying 中國/China 春光明媚/The spring is shining brightly.
228 龍德明/Long Deming 中國/China 深山碧谷/
Deep Mountains and Blue Valleys
229 唐亮祥/Tang Liangxiang 中國/China 天宮 Heavenly palace
230 滕道洋/Teng Daoyang 中國/China 牽著一根線條去散步
Take a walk with a string
231 吳丹/Wu Dan 中國/China 《春秋·繁露》
《Spring and Autumn.Fanlu》
232 武藝/Wu Yi 中國/China 新淘冶圖/The new picture of Taoye
233 楊凱/Yang Kai 中國/China 自然的韻律/Rhythm of nature
234 虞鋒波/Yu Fengbo 中國/China 絲路明珠/Pearl of the Silk Road
235 袁旭/Yuan Xu 中國/China 流金歲月/Golden days
236 麻匯源/Ma Huiyuan 中國/China M瓷-M器之六/M porcelain -M ware 6
237 SongYeonJoo 韓國/Korea Memory of the sense of sea–I
238 劉林暖/Liu Linnuan 中國/China 輪回/ LunHui
239 劉瑋/Liu Wei 中國/China 游園-樹林/Garden Tour - Forest
240 張晴倬/Zhang Qingzhuo 中國/China 主觀秩序系列之一/
One of the subjective order series
241 朱斐翡/Zhu Feifei 中國/China 夏夜流星雨/
Meteor shower on a summer night
242 楊成偉/Yang Chengwei 中國/China 序/Order
243 湯正庚/Tang Zhenggeng 中國/China 湖上漣漪/Ripples on the Lake
244 牛靚洲/Niu Liangzhou 中國/China 45度灰/45 degree gray
245 耿嘉玉/Geng Jiayu 中國/China 包治百病/Handbags are a cure for women
246 解康迅/Xie Kangxun 中國/China 新時(shí)代——礦工/New Age - Miners
247 鄧?yán)?Dend Li 中國/China 無極/Wuji
248 雷子人/Lei Ziren 中國/China 光明頂/Guangming Ding
249 馬千涵/Ma Qianhan 中國/China 高崖上的土陶人家/
The terracotta home on the high cliff
250 孫銘瑞/Sun Mingrui 中國/China 持續(xù)產(chǎn)生/Continuous growth
251 劉皓帆/Liu Haofan 中國/China “瓷”流 /Porcelain" flow
252 周弘湘/Zhou Hongxiang 中國/China Flood the screen 8 chapters
253 戎晟/Rong Sheng 中國/China 地癸/Decyl
254 劉子墨/Liu Zimo 中國/China 我在景德鎮(zhèn)/I Am in Jingdezhen
255 金寶良/Jin Baolaing 中國/China 阿英—海南黎族制陶影畫/
Aying - Hainan Li Pottery Shadow Paintings
256 齊依凡/Qi Yifan 中國/China 土/soil

The link is provided to the official website (http://www.coolface.net) of "The Journey of Ceramics - 2023 Jingdezhen International Ceramic Art Biennale." If you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to ask Email: 054024@jcu.edu.cn (May)
Preliminary Review Jury List (In Alphabetical Order by Last Name):

Final Review Announcement:
1. The final evaluation of the artworks will be conducted by domestic and international experts at the exhibition site of the Museum of Jingdezhen Ceramic University. The evaluation is scheduled to take place in mid-December. The results of the awards will be announced simultaneously.
2. Submission Deadline: Please send your artworks to the Museum of Jingdezhen Ceramic University by November 18, 2023. To avoid congestion during the last moments, we encourage you to send your works well in advance.
3. Artwork Packaging:
For those whose works have been selected, kindly ensure proper packaging of your artworks using bubble wrap or pearl cotton packaging materials (please refrain from using fragile foam boards or similar packaging materials). Secure the artwork within an export-compliant wooden crate. Include an instruction manual for unpacking and displaying, along with the “Work Condition Report and Installation Description”, within the crate. Additionally, print at least two copies of the "Shipping Label," affix one copy to the exterior of the packaging crate, and include the other copy within the crate. Please make sure to complete these packaging instructions before the designated submission deadline.
4. Delivery cost:
The participant is responsible for transportation, packaging, import and export customs clearance, insurance, and other related costs; the organizing committee is responsible for transportation, import and export customs clearance and related insurance costs for the return of the work.
5. The artist is welcomed to deliver the work in person to the designated place, please contact the recipient and coordinate the delivery time during working days.
6. Shipping Address:
The Biennale Office, Jingdezhen Ceramic University Art Museum (Xianghu Campus), Jingdezhen, Jiangxi, China.333403
7. Recipient
Chen Juan’s phone number: +86 139 7985 6371
Yu Shang’s phone number: +86 189 7985 3205
Tel: 0086-798-8499600 (9:00AM--5:00PM, from Monday to Friday, Beijing Time)
Postcode: 333403

Check and Insurance:
(1) The organizer will take photos and take the initiative to inform the participants when the works are found to be damaged in transit after the works are delivered to the Art Museum of Jingdezhen Ceramic University (or other designated places for the exhibition), and the organizer will not be responsible for any damage to the works and packaging that occurs in transit. To ensure safe shipping, please pack and secure your artwork carefully.
(2) The organizer will be responsible for purchasing insurance during the exhibition period if the work is checked and confirmed to be not damaged.
(3) Insurance period: from the completion of the unboxing inspection, the works will be covered by the organizer's insurance during the selection period, the pre-exhibition period, and the exhibition period (until the deadline for returning the works).
(4) The organizer will take precautions to protect the artworks after receipt. Damage caused by force majeure (e.g., natural disasters) or by factors such as fragile materials or poor construction of the installation, which are the responsibility of the participants, will not be covered by the insurance.
(5) The organizer will purchase insurance for the artworks during the selection and exhibition period, with the principle of ensuring each set of works not exceeding 50,000 RMB (about 7,000 USD).
(6) Under the case of insurance accidents, the organizer must follow the relevant rules of the insurance company.
Thanks for your support!

Organizing Committee of The Journey of Ceramics: 2023 Jingdezhen International Ceramic Art Biennale
26th August 2023

"2023 Ceramic Journey Biennial Exhibition Shortlisted Artists Group" (Scan with WeChat)